How many of you worry about bringing home a puppy just because you dread the training? We understand the challenges that come with it. We've dedicated our cumulative experience as dog owners and breeder to learning the best ways to help puppies transition smoothly into their new homes. We offer two, 2-week training programs: a Puppy Crate Camp and a Puppy Manner Camp. Puppies who participate in our camps will go home at 10 weeks old.
Your puppy will come home with a great foundation and I will walk you and your family through how we execute these skills, so you can continue training at home. Bringing home puppy is a team effort and my job does not stop when you leave. I will be available for questions and concerns along this journey.
** Spots are limited **
At this time we can only offer training to 4 puppies per litter. If you know you would like to enroll your puppy in one of these training camps please let us know as soon as possible as space is limited. You can add the training anytime before 8 weeks old. However, if you purchase a training camp before puppy picks at 4 weeks, you will receive $500 off camp.
Puppy Crate Camp - $1500
** added cost to puppy **
This camp is designed to train your puppy to sleep in a crate by his/herself and to potty-train outside. Our standard practice is to litter-train puppies to the scent of the outdoors, but our puppies do not go outdoors until they are vaccinated. This could be a week before they leave, giving little time with outdoor experience. By extending their stay for an additional 2 weeks we provide them with the extra experience before coming home.
We do this in a few ways....
1. Puppies sleep in their own personal crate with stuffy and blanket that smells like mom and siblings.
** Personal crate comes home with puppy at the end of training and is included in the cost of Puppy Crate Camp
2. Playtime time-outs - extended crate time in calm manner
3. Praising and feeding in crate.
What will my puppy be able to do when they come home?
1. Sleep through the night for minimum of 6 hours, and stay in crate peacefully for 2-3 hour periods of time throughout the day.
2. Know their name
3. Know designated potty location (outside/ a designated door)
4. Climb stairs
What to expect when they come home?
This is a foundation training course to help minimize some of the stress in potty and crate training by giving your puppy a head-start in the basics. They will understand there is a designated spot to go potty (i.e, outside) by going to a designate door. This does not mean they will be fully potty trained by 10 weeks old. Puppies are not typically fully potty trained until at least 16 weeks old. Our goal is to have only 1-2 accidents a day. While this may seem like a lot, puppies typically need to go potty every 30-40 minutes. This camp will also give you a schedule for your puppy to maintain at home. By keeping this routine, we typically see our puppies accident-free within 3 weeks of being home. Your puppy will also understand that their crate is their safe space. They will learn to enter it calmly and will be content to eat, sleep and nap without hysterics. While they may still whine a bit, we will train them that the hysterics are not acceptable behavior. Your puppy will know that when they are released from their crate, they go straight outside to potty - re-enforcing their potty training.
Puppy Manner Camp - $2500
** added cost to puppy **
This camp is designed to train you puppy to sleep in a crate by his/herself, to potty-train outside, and learn basic command skills and manners.
We do this in a few ways...
1. Puppy sleeps in his/her own personal crate with stuffy and blanket that smells like mom and siblings.
** Personal crate comes home with puppy at the end of training and is included in the cost of Puppy Manner Camp
2. Praising and feeding in crate.
3. Playtime time-outs - extended crate time in calm manner
4. 15 minute command sessions throughout the day, with a minimum of 4 sessions a day
5. Practicing leash manners while also reinforcing outdoor potty-training.
What will my puppy be able to do when they come home?
1. Same skills as Crate Camp
2. Know basic commands: sit, come, off, recognize positive corrector, drop it, "bed"/crate location
3. Basic house manners, i.e. no begging with family eats, no jumping when guests enter home
4. Basic leash manners, i.e. calmly putting on leash, no pulling on leash
What to expect when they come home?
This training course includes the same potty and crate training as the Crate Camp listed above, but also includes basic house and leash manners. In this course, your puppy will learn basic commends in a low distraction environment such as sit, off, come, drop it, and bed/crate location. While your puppy will understand these commands, they will need reinforcement at home where there are more distractions. They will learn basic house manners such as not begging for food while their humans are eating, whether it be sitting calmly in their crate or ignoring the food all together; and they will greet guests without jumping. Leash manners are also a part of this training and includes teaching your puppy to sit calmly while the leash is put on and learning to walk short distances without pulling.
After reading through the Camp descriptions, if you still have more questions we can schedule a call. Let's make puppy's transition home enjoyable!